Classic Lodges is committed to the principles of equal pay for all our employees. We strive to eliminate any gender bias in our pay and remuneration systems and understand that equal pay between males and females is a moral obligation and a legal right. The information we are required to publish in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 is detailed below.
Quartile Distribution Female / Male
Due to the size and structure of the organisation and the relatively low number of employees the statistics detailed above are susceptible to an element of skewing if there are outliers at either end of the range. We also have a high proportion of lower paid staff on minimum wage where age, rather than gender, may result in different rates of pay.
There has been a small decrease in the Mean Gender Pay Gap figures. Overall, we employ a similar proportion of females than males and for similar roles there is no bias toward either. There are a small number of senior management and general manager roles which are currently predominantly, but not exclusively, occupied by males. Because these salaries are outliers at the upper end a small number of employees have an increased impact on the mean Gender Pay Gap figures. This is something we are aware of and is one factor taken into account when recruiting for management roles.
In the current period, a far smaller proportion of employees received bonus payments than the previous period, but the proportion of males is comparable to the proportion of females. Again, as senior staff are predominantly but not exclusively male, the result is an increase in mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap but we maintain that there is no discrimination across the genders for similar roles.
Classic Lodges works at ensuring there is no bias inherent in company recruitment and compensation practices and will continue to promote equality within the company.